lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

The Borgias

Until last year lived within 1 km. Palace of the Borgia in Gandia (Valencia) recorí what thousands of times to make reconstructions of weddings, parties and even a serial acesorar was done here. We visit with all the characters.

jueves, 12 de mayo de 2011

Semana Santa

Drums Semana Santa tradition in Spain. Here we are in the town square of Albarracín, a town totally medieval. Where time has passed. If you love the Middle Ages this is your place to visit.

domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011

Expulsion of the Moriscos of Gea de Albarracin.

Gea de Albarracín was one of the Aragonese territories where the expulsion of the Moors in 1609 had a greater impact, about 2,200 had to leave the territory. Last year was the 400 anniversary of this historic event, the town of Teruel has decided to recall with a festive atmosphere that also aims to serve to recover part of their cultural heritage.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Party Aljaferia

I headed for Zaragoza. Planning a party Aljaferia, a fortified palace built in Zaragoza in the second half of the eleventh century at the initiative of Al-Muqtadir as the residence of the kings of Saraqusta Hudi. We are planning a wedding.

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

The Borgias en Gandía

We were recreating the life of the Borgia in Gandia. Although his name is really Borja that was Valencia. I have some photos.


martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

All the lovers have to visit Teruel.

In the city of Teruel we are celebrating. Ask me. Teruel city of love.

The city of Teruel is linked to a medieval tradition of taste and romantic beauty: the lovers. "Las Bodas de Isabel de Segura, a popular party Teruel in which revives the medieval atmosphere of the city in the thirteenth century, coincides with Valentine's Day. Teruel and visitors dress up in medieval costumes, shows the drama of "Los Amantes de Teruel, " is a medieval market, Haima ...

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day. For what they do, they always concerven and for those who do not find it as soon as possible.

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2011

Ernesto Sábato

Ernesto Sabato died. Writer. Scientific. Humanist. Man committed. President of the CONADEP (National Commission on desaprición people). Thanks to their work and the other could be the trial of the military junta. An example of being human.